“comment of varnishing”
“comment of varnishing”
Hello, everyone, I will disagree with one of the comments, from
"varnish to the Sun". There are varnishes for exterior and interior
abroad are those who support much more ultraviolet rays. If you use varnish you
always should use "type" outside, because you work for both cases, or
only inside you serves inside and not the outside if you have and the next job
if it is external, not can it use. Logic very well see the product you are
buying regardless of the price.Within the varnish now there are polurietanicos
some are lowered with thiner and others with thinner, us these recent times we
use (varnish or lacquers polurietanicos), for vessels abroad and they are very
good, the cost?... .is around a theme; inside we usually use polurietano of 2
components (with torch), try to not use varnish or lacquers and if we use it it
has to be polurietanico. The great problem of the varnish is dry, is amazing no
more dry, so do 40 degrees, takes long to dry and if you use it with turpentine
worse!!! … Yours the problem
lies not only in the humidity, in my opinion is the bad choice of material
(aside from varnish or lacquer exterior and interior), is that instead of
varnishing you'd have to have it polished, in the traditional way, that would
allow you work in an environment with stove and later earn work (with moisture
or without it) and secure with the best completion. Obviously the solution is retarder and patience…But
is only comment is if I give you the solution to the problem of how you should
have done the work, with varnish, or traditional luster, us these last times
use "lacquered hydro", which is in the picture, there are many brands
I guess everyone will know it and is for floors, applied it to the furniture
with small rolls , with brush not because it leaves marks after much sanding
and allows us to apply one coat every 4 hours and must with moisture or without
it is fast drying, between hand and hand sanding with sandpaper # 240, comes
sealer and lacquer finish, glossy and matte and obviously working with water,
the termination is not equal to the polurietano of 2 components with a
blowtorch , but is pretty good compared to varnish it far exceeds it and to the
traditional gloss is better not scratch (is polurietano) and to improve the
shine "we pasteamos" or "polish" (of cars) we have to pass
and when is Matt with exceeding the 2,000 number sandpaper obviousl and wet. but is pretty good
compared to varnish outstrips it and to traditional gloss is better not scratch
(is polurietano), to improve the shine
"we pasteamos it" or "polish" (of cars) we have to pass and
when is Matt with higher than the 2000 # obviously wet sandpaper I'd like to know if there is here (Bs, As,
Argentina) There are some product with color, I usually see in American and
European videos, apply it with cloth gives me the idea that the same thing that
happens here is transparent natural color, I never did the test to add color to
the water, if some did that comment it please. Mine is an opinion and is of
course not the absolute, no more thank you for reading my commen
professional responsibility obliges me to expand my Comet, happens that in the
course of these day you veneer a security door, cold (with contact cement) and
what I chord when I went you to give material (lacquering), did it with
polurietano floor but with diluent (no water), is that it should not lacquering
one-piece plated with contact cement , with hidrolaqueado, therefore is not
compatible, the veneer by rather tight and pressed, rise the together or
"balloons", which there are made that lower them occur
"wells", which cost a lot repair and forced to "drip" part,
or that it is in my opinion should not use hidrolaqueado in parts veneer with
contact (in cold) cement I hope that they have served my concepts/experiences
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